Monkey Anti Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgG ELISA Kit
The Monkey Anti-KLH IgG ELISA Kit detects and quantifiesanti-KLH IgG in monkey serum or plasma of exposed orimmunized animals. This immunoassay is suitable for:o Determining immune status relative to non-immunecontrols;o Assessing efficacy of vaccines, including dosage,adjuvantcy, route of immunization and timing;o Qualifying and/or standardizing vaccine batches andprotocols.This kit is for research use only (RUO), not for diagnosis ortherapeutic purposes.
Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH), an oxygentransporting protein of the marine gastropod Megathuracrenulata, is recognized as a potent immunoactivator, andtherefore is widely used in research and clinical studies.Present applications of KLH include: (a) use as a highlyimmunogenic antigen for assessment of immunecompetence of an organism, and (b) frequent use as a carrierof low molecular mass peptides and haptens, such asoligosaccharides, gangliosides or (glyco)peptides, designedto facilitate antibody production. In these cases, antibodiesmade to small peptides/haptens are generally raised bycoupling to a large carrier protein like KLH. Antibodies areproduced to both KLH and the peptide/hapten; because antiKLH may give non-specific signals in various immunoassays,removal by solid phase immunoaffinity chromatography iscommon. The ELISA is useful for determining levels of antiKLH in sera and for monitoring anti-KLH removal frompurified samples after antibody production.The ADI anti-KLH ELISA is designed with high sensitivity fordiscriminating lower level antibodies, which may includenatural anti-KLH antibodies of innate immunity, withspecially formulated diluents to minimize interferingbackground signals.
The Monkey Anti- KLH IgG ELISA kitis based on the binding of monkeyanti- KLH IgG in samples to KLHimmobilized on the microwells, andanti- KLH IgG antibody is detected byanti-monkey IgG specific antibodyconjugated to HRP (horseradishperoxidase) enzyme. After a washingstep, chromogenic substrate (TMB) is added and color isdeveloped by the enzymatic reaction of HRP on thesubstrate, which is directly proportional to the amount of antiKLH IgG present in the sample. Stopping Solution is addedto terminate the reaction, and absorbance at 450nm is thenmeasured using an ELISA microwell reader. The activity ofmonkey IgG antibody in samples is calculated relative to antiKLH calibrators.
更多產(chǎn)品詳情,請聯(lián)系 Alpha Diagnostic 中國區(qū)總代理北京博蕾德生物科技有限公司。