



當(dāng)前位置:首頁資料下載人抗醇溶蛋白IgM檢測(cè)試劑盒Human Anti Gliadin IgM ELISA 說明書

人抗醇溶蛋白IgM檢測(cè)試劑盒Human Anti Gliadin IgM ELISA 說明書




Human Anti Gliadin IgM ELISA


Intended Use

For the determination of IgM class Autoantibodies against Gliadin in human serum orplasma. For research use only (RUO), not for use in diagnosis, cure and prevention of thedisease.

General information

Gliadin is a class of proteins present in wheat and several other cereals within the grass genus Triticum.Gliadins and gluten are essential for giving bread the ability to rise properly during baking. Gliadins andglutenins are the two main components of the gluten fraction of the wheat seed. There are three maintypes of gliadin (α, ?, and ω) and is what the body is intolerant to in coeliac (or celiac) disease, which isuncommon, but is becoming more diagnosed today. The α, ?, and ω gliadin types are separated anddistinguished based on their amino acid sequences.α-/β-gliadins. Celiac disease is a genetic disease inwhich the body becomes intolerant to gluten, which is focused in the gliadin. Gliadin proteins have theability to activate the disease in the person through the amino acid sequence found in the gliadin. Theimmune system responds negatively to the gliadin. Celiac disease starts as an intolerance to this proteinand then expounds and extends. One of the problems with this disease is that it can go unrecognized fora long time, in which that time, it can cause severe damage to the body’s digestive system and causemany more problems such as lactose intolerance. The main treatment for celiac disease is a gluten freediet in which the diseased person does not ingest any gluten, and specifically gliadin. There have beensearches for an affordable and much better treatment, but the main treatment remains to abstain fromingesting any gluten.Antigliadin antibodies are produced in response to Gliadin, a prolamin found in wheat. The IgG antibodyis found at higher levels in patients with the IgA-less phenotype. It is also associated with celiac diseaseand idiopathic gluten sensitivity. Anti-gliadin antibodies are frequently found with anti-transglutaminaseantibodies.

ParallelismIn dilution experiments sera with high antibody concentrations werediluted with sample buffer and assayed in the Anti-Gliadin IgM kit. Theassay shows linearity over the full measuring range.SensitivityThe lower detection limits for Anti-Gliadin IgM were determined at 0.5U/ml.SpecificityThe microplate is coated with purified Gliadin from wheat. The test kit isspecific only for antibodies against Gliadin.CalibrationSince no international reference preparation for Anti-Gliadinautoantibodies is available, the assay system is calibrated in relativearbitrary units.LIMITATIONS OF PROCEDUREThe Anti-Gliadin IgM ELISA is intended for research use onlyINTERFERING SUBSTANCESNo interference has been observed with haemolytic (up to 1000 mg/dL),lipemic (up to 3 g/dL triglycerides) or bilirubin (up to 40 mg/dL) containingsera. Nor have any interfering effects been observed with the use ofanticoagulants. However for practical reasons it is recommended thatgrossly hemolysed or lipemic samples should be avoided.


In dilution experiments sera with high antibody concentrations were diluted with sample buffer and assayed in the Anti-Gliadin IgG kit. The assay shows linearity over the full measuring range.


The lower detection limits for Anti-Gliadin IgG were determined at 0.5 U/ml.


The microplate is coated with purified Gliadin from wheat. The test kit is specific only for antibodies against Gliadin.


Since no international reference preparation for Anti-Gliadin autoantibodies is available, the assay system is calibrated in relative arbitrary units.


The Anti-Gliadin IgG ELISA is intended for research use only


No interference has been observed with haemolytic (up to 1000 mg/dL), lipemic (up to 3 g/dL triglycerides) or bilirubin (up to 40 mg/dL) containing sera. Nor have any interfering effects been observed with the use of anticoagulants. However for practical reasons it is recommended that grossly hemolysed or lipemic samples should be avoided.

更多產(chǎn)品信息,請(qǐng)咨詢Alpha Diagnostic 中國(guó)區(qū)總代理北京博蕾德生物科技有限公司。


